==================== Description of Units ==================== ------------------------ Specific to This Project ------------------------ Ratios ====== A ratio is expressed as a fraction of the appropriate dimension. For example, an x-coordinate of ``30`` when the width is ``100`` is expressed as a ratio as ``0.3``. This allows coordinates to be transferred between images of varying dimensions. A ``box_ratio`` is a Tuple of 4 floats that describes a rectangular region in the following format: .. code-block:: python (start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) Each value of the Tuple is a ratio as defined above. ``(start_x, start_y)`` defines the coordinates of one corner of the rectangle, and ``(end_x, end_y)`` defines the opposing corner. Coordinates =========== A coordinate is a pair of numbers of the form ``(x, y)`` that defines a particular point on the image. The coordinate system, as is standard in computer science, places ``(0,0)`` in the upper-left corner while ``x`` increases to the right and ``y`` increases downward. Coordinates are "absolute", not relative to the size of the image, so the point ``(5,5)`` is in the middle of a ``10 x 10`` image, but in the lower right of a ``5 x 5`` image. A ``box_coor`` is a Tuple of 4 floats that describes a rectangular region in the following format: .. code-block:: python (start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y) ``(start_x, start_y)`` is a coordinate for one corner of the rectangle, while ``(end_x, end_y)`` is a coordinate of the opposing corner. ------------------- From Other Packages ------------------- Size ==== The size of an image is expressed as a Tuple of the following format: .. code-block:: python (width, height)